This week is Trustees Week. We would like to tell you more about how we see Trusteeship.
The role of the trustees is to oversee and direct the activities of the charity to ensure that it meets its aims and objectives, while remaining compliant with its legal and financial obligations. The Charity Commission provides excellent information and support for all UK charities as do other organisations such as NCVO.
It goes without saying that a passion for the objectives of your charity is important. In our case that means seeking better treatments and contributing to the goal of finding an eventual cure for MS through research. Time, energy, and skills are the key elements needed for successful trusteeship. At MS Research trustees act like a board of directors with each trustee taking responsibility for different areas of our activities and overseeing various aspects of everyday function. They are involved in the planning organisation and implementation of activities usually working with staff in specialised areas such as fundraising and financial management.
Trustees are not staff and generally are not paid but can claim expenses such as travel to meetings or out of pocket expenditure. The workload of trustees depends on the size and nature of the charity and varies greatly. MS Research trustees usually meet 3 times a year to set budgets, approve annual reports and generally oversee the growth and development of the organisation, address issues that may be causing concern or where changes in policy are needed. They are available most of the year for consultation, to offer support in specialised areas such as finance, fundraising or supporting specific tasks such as web site development and maintenance, communications or matters of policy.
MS Research currently has vacancies in its trustee board especially in areas such as finance, digital operations (both technical and operational) and general communications. If you might be interested in finding out more please contact the Chair of Trustees at